New Item Libraries

Our team has recently developed item libraries for FACE-Q Aesthetics as well as a new module called SKIN-Q.

SKIN-Q item libraries measure how skin looks and skin feels. Short forms of each domain, such as Skin Rejuvenation and Skin Quality, can be licensed on our website. For access to the item libraries, please contact us. See this publication for more information about SKIN-Q:

The SKIN-Q: An Innovative Patient-Reported Outcome Measure for Evaluating Minimally Invasive Skin Treatments for the Face and Body

Additionally, new FACE-Q Aesthetics item libraries have been developed that extend the range of measurement of the Face Overall and Psychological Function scales. For more information, see this publication:

Extending the Range of Measurement for Minimally Invasive Treatments by Adding New Concepts to FACE-Q Aesthetics Scales